Número de ciberataques crescerá exponencialmente em 2017 - Trama
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Número de ciberataques crescerá exponencialmente em 2017

 Número de ciberataques crescerá exponencialmente em 2017

Pesquisa da A.T. Kearney revela que ciberataque de proporções gigantescas poderá abalar uma das grandes economias globais

São Paulo, março de 2017 – A.T. Kearney, consultoria global líder em gestão de negócios, revela que em 2017, a escala de ciberataques irá aumentar e uma grande economia global vai receber um ataque de grandes proporções que abalará sua infraestrutura mais crítica.
Os alvos mais prováveis são os países com economias conectadas globalmente, que tem uma infraestrutura suportada na Internet e com riscos geopolíticos. Com o aumento da Internet das coisas (IoT) e das casas conectadas, as vulnerabilidades também aumentam exponencialmente. Confira abaixo a íntegra:

Prediction #1
The first crippling cyberattack will be launched on critical infrastructure in a major economy.
Over one million cyberattacks are estimated to take place every day, and the number of
cyber vulnerabilities being discovered continues to rise dramatically. Attacks are routinely made against national governments, personal devices, banks, and corporations. Unsurprisingly in such an environment, global executives surveyed in our 2016 Views from the C-Suite pointed to rising cybersecurity risks as their top overall challenge in the business operating environment. In October 2016, hundreds of popular websites including Twitter, Amazon.com, Netflix, PayPal, and many news services were taken offline in the largest distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack to have ever taken place in the United States. Other significant cyberattacks have recently occurred in Israel, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and elsewhere. And with the rapid prolif- eration of the Internet of Things (IoT) permeating nearly every aspect of the modern world—from smart home apps that can link thermostats and refrigerators to the Internet, to Internet-enabled security cameras and fitness apps—the world has become more technologically connected than ever before, and thus ever more vulnerable to cyberattack (see figure 1).

In 2017, the scale of cyberattacks will increase, and a major economy will suffer a crippling attack on its critical infrastructure. The most likely targets are globally connected economies that have Internet-enabled infrastructure and geopolitical foes, such as Germany, Japan, South Korea, the United States, and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.
The attack will be of a level of sophistication only possessed by select nation-states. Given the solidifying tripolar world (see prediction #3), it is likely that Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea will be the source of such a major cyberattack, though definitive attribution will be nearly impossible. The attack will likely target an electrical grid, as cyberattacks have been increasing against such targets in recent years and attackers now know how best to impair these systems.
Such an attack will cause a widespread electricity blackout followed by rolling brownouts as the electrical grid is slowly brought back online. This will severely disrupt business operations in the affected areas and possibly lead to vandalism at retail outlets. If the attack targets electricity in a major financial center, it will also disrupt international payments systems for a short period of time. All told, a major attack of this nature will cause billions of dollars in economic damage and raise the risk of both copycat and counterattacks in the near future, further destabilizing the business environment and reducing economic output.

Sobre a A.T. Kearney
A.T.Kearney é uma consultoria global líder em gestão de negócios, com 91 anos de operação e atuação em mais de 40 países. É uma empresa dirigida por seus sócios, comprometidos em ajudar os clientes e gerar impactos imediatos, aumentando as vantagens competitivas em seus desafios mais críticos.
O foco da consultoria é atuar como parceira estratégica dos clientes na obtenção de benefícios reais em projetos de curto e longo prazos. Os diferenciais da A.T. Kearney são ampla escala global, diversidade de recursos e excelência em todos os processos.
A A.T. Kearney possui uma cultura distinta que transcende as fronteiras organizacionais e geográficas. Não importa qual a localização ou posição, todos os consultores da A.T. Kearney são visionários, acessíveis e apaixonados por projetos inovadores.
A.T. Kearney
Trama Comunicação – (11) 3388-3040
Atendimento à imprensa
Ana Paula Oliveira – 
ana.oliveira@tramaweb.com.br– (11) 3388-3057
Kalil Blanco –
kalil@tramaweb.com.br – (11) 3388-3048
Diretora: Helen Garcia – 

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